Why should you start using TOGlic?

TOGlic has emerged from practical experience of the teachers, gained during real class instruction. It is a unique application – an aid to the teacher, empowering mutual communication and actual cooperation among pupils, while fit to run on any hardware available in your class. A set of 15 amusing instruction activities provide opportunities to practice the content in a most attractive way – your pupils will love it and you will enjoy the feeling of a successful lesson. 

Easy to prepare, a joy to teach

Let the spell of the utter simplicity of TOGlic work for you. A mere minute – and you can log on both yourself and your pupils to begin instruction. You will like already the activity preparations as you will obtain a quick and well organised outcome. Get rid of distributing and then collecting all sort of paper cards and save even more time on assessing the results and answers. Still more importantly – your pupils and you will enjoy the lessons :-)

Shape instruction to pupils’ response

Chalk and blackboard checks, written essays and tests work widely as a vehicle to identify the pupils’ knowledge and the content proficiency. With TOGlic, you will be able to take this work further and beyond, not just immediately identifying potential deficiencies but addressing them forthwith during a follow-up activity and practising the particulars again. Most of the TOGlic activities offer pupil feedback tools.

Develop communication skills

Tablets, smartphones and similar gadgets are excellent online communication tools.  Well – but in the class? No need to shy away with TOGlic – communication among the pupils takes place in a real world, face to face. No discussion forums, chats or social networks. When tackling their tasks in the class, your pupils start cooperating in a few seconds and develop their communication skills. TOGlic opens unexpected ways of doing things you already know.

TOGlic develops key competencies of pupils:

Communication competencies

  • listening to and understanding of an opinion of another pupil
  • discussion, reasoning and defending of one's own opinion

Social and personal competencies

  • group cooperation, role division, discussion

Problem solving competencies

  • gaining understanding of a problem, finding and applying a suitable solution procedure
  • independent solving of problems

Inclusion supported

TOGlic brings interesting opportunities of integrating special need pupils in the instruction process. Pupils work at their own pace at addressing tasks, discovering solutions that fit their capabilities and possibilities. Team activities, on the other hand, support socialising and develop social competencies in pupils. Pupils help each other when working in teams and jointly search the solutions.

Methodological support

We realise that every beginning is difficult. We have teamed up with numerous experienced teachers to prepare methodological cards for you that are full of inspiration and how-to-use ideas for the teaching activities. Descriptions are provided of concrete exercises used during the classes – ready for you to try and then use them right away in your class. Or – you may just let yourself be inspired for your own work.

Short of hardware equipment?

It does not matter whether you have a mobile tablet classroom, computer classroom or just a single whiteboard in your school – TOGlic can be your awesome helper in any case. Just pick out the activity suitable for you. 

All you will need to work with TOGlic is an Internet connection and a device running on any operating system, with a web browser. No special software installation is required, no getting hassled because of updates and backups. Your pupils need not use the same WiFi connection, therefore you may use TOGlic even at cooperation among the pupils at different schools and locations.

TOGlic is an optimal solution for the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) concept, regardless the brand your pupils use in the class, as no installation on the pupil devices is required. The dispatched data does always adjust to and fill optimally the display space of any pupil device.